Saturday, February 14, 2009


It's a morning like no other morning... coffee beside me, not leaving my side for an instant. The half bitten donut (which I hopefully I spelled correctly) already rotting away with the passing of time and still...I think about That Girl...I remind you she's not a typical Girl. She's not a blow up doll or a brothel girl that wears nothing except a piece of rag. No, she's not a typical Girl. She's a girl that reminds you, why you get up every morning and drink that piece of shit coffee just to be conscious enough to see her and be able to retain her image in memory. Yet, she deserves better and more than the shadow on the wall but her captivating smile and her striking hazel eyes lures me in like a fisherman's fishing line, not letting go even for a moment even if I struggle relentlessly, yet...I give in willingly. Now I the mighty giants of the world were brought down not by war but by that smile, that captivating look, and by That know which one...the Girl that can't be explained by mere words or by any spoken tongue...which beauty lies beyond the exterior shell but with in it.

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