Saturday, February 14, 2009


It's been a chase. The evening glows with its incandescent streaks of yellows and reds that delight the eyes to its fullest although the silhouette of the Muni screws everything. What girl would enjoy the ever present life of the city? They want the whole goddamn romantic experience that would pit date after date to the highest criticism but most men are stupid, it's a known fact. Einstein you say. Nah, he was a freak of nature. Created in the "image of god" my ass, men don't have the female sensibilities that would suggest they have done something wrong. What do we do? We screw up again and again, you know, as a male collective. Fuck, God must have been on drugs to have created such a measly bunch. Fuck man, leave her alone. No Wonder she looks left and right. She seeks freedom from her infernal chaos but he's too busy thinking in Charlie. Yeah, the guy downstairs. Such a fool to think he had a chance with such a great looking girl. Never again, you fool. Rookie. Well, this turned out pretty good. It's just like a goddamn soap.

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