Saturday, February 14, 2009

NOTE from the Auteur

A few weeks ago there was a comment by the professor about previous work and websites. The first thing that popped into my mind was,"I wonder." It got me thinking about all the old sites and work that i published online. How much of it has survived? This was still at a time where creating websites from html and CSS was still the thing to know. I searched my name or any relation to anyname that would give me a lead to those sites. The one problem i had that i lost a lot of files over the years most of it i could recreate from notes others like sites were never really written down on a journal. Anyways, in 2003 i created this company or name that was one of my better names I have imagined. The Idiot Motel, i never found the right symbol and typeface that illustrated this identity that would be a collection of writings. Lucky i found a old mock up business card that i attempted to create for the branding of the portfolio of writing. The one important thing that i didnt forget to write down on the business card besides my old phone number was the web address for the site. I found works of writing that i haven't seen since 2003.

I have re-published them on this blog for everyone to read. I dont know how badly written they are but i hope you enjoy them.

From time to time i will try to publish works of writing on this blog and hopefully finally develop the identity for it so keep tuned.


It's a morning like no other morning... coffee beside me, not leaving my side for an instant. The half bitten donut (which I hopefully I spelled correctly) already rotting away with the passing of time and still...I think about That Girl...I remind you she's not a typical Girl. She's not a blow up doll or a brothel girl that wears nothing except a piece of rag. No, she's not a typical Girl. She's a girl that reminds you, why you get up every morning and drink that piece of shit coffee just to be conscious enough to see her and be able to retain her image in memory. Yet, she deserves better and more than the shadow on the wall but her captivating smile and her striking hazel eyes lures me in like a fisherman's fishing line, not letting go even for a moment even if I struggle relentlessly, yet...I give in willingly. Now I the mighty giants of the world were brought down not by war but by that smile, that captivating look, and by That know which one...the Girl that can't be explained by mere words or by any spoken tongue...which beauty lies beyond the exterior shell but with in it.


The world is wrapped with tales, fables and legends centuries old each with its own intention but each story worth telling begins with a girl.

It was a cold night. The winds shock the night sky. The candle light of the moon shinned brightly and the hair fibers that lined down the girls spine stood erect with the winds cold breeze. Then, a cry broke the never-ending silence. It cried again and again. A wolfs cry; it woke the night with its tremendous cries. Creatures erupted in chaos and the wind spoke in its many tongues. The girl's fingers shook with each burst of wind as if death touched her fingers with his cold hands. The sensation of her lips stiffened while the divine wind escaped from her mouth as she stood motionless on the ponds edge in silence wearing her olive kimono with golden embroidery of a quetzal bird.


In the beginning, GOD created man, something like that, and man said, "What? What am I supposed to do play with myself?" GOD said, "Yes!" GOD knowing that man would sue him for sexual harassment. GOD created woman, did I mention how much I love god for this. So, when woman and man came together they came at each other like animals. (I think you need a permission slip for this one, I couldn't get mine signed so I can't tell you what happens. Yeah, I missed out.) GOD hearing--what's her name?--EVA screaming and panting decided to kick them out. "...but, how?" GOD thought. GOD had no reason. One day, EVA and the GUY, I mean she didn't have much too choose from, were having too much fun that they didn't realize GOD--that sneaky bastard--had planted an apple tree by them and shook it until one of the apples fell onto EVA's breast. The GUY not realizing the apple was not EVA's breast bit it. I don't know but you know how the rest goes. GOD came down and said, "You're banished from my kingdom for eating my fruit." From that point on GOD enjoyed his peace and quite. No more free shows. Oh, yeah. Did I mention EVA and THE GUY where butt naked? Oh shit, wrong story. Ooops. In the beginning I thought, "So, this is heaven," that was my first thought when I first saw you, "I guess they didn't get my paperwork. Someone is going to be really pissed. Ha. I made it you bastards." Then moment's later reality slaps me across the face.


The World doesn't change but matures with each year. Women no longer hide behind a vale or long dress, waiting for a gallant knight to ask or take the women of his dreams and desires to his caste. They enjoy freedom which they richly deserve, showing enough skin to please the fantasies of men. Men, on the other hand are pigs. They are no longer the gentlemen that women would desire. They act with such stupidity that is apparent by their drooling faces. Humanity is still young. A race whose innovations reach far beyond any of their ancestors. Each day a moment of great innovation rises up to the sky touching the heavens. Each continent conquered. What else must humanity conquer to prove that they're a superior race, a race that multiplies as fast as any microscopic organism?


It's been a chase. The evening glows with its incandescent streaks of yellows and reds that delight the eyes to its fullest although the silhouette of the Muni screws everything. What girl would enjoy the ever present life of the city? They want the whole goddamn romantic experience that would pit date after date to the highest criticism but most men are stupid, it's a known fact. Einstein you say. Nah, he was a freak of nature. Created in the "image of god" my ass, men don't have the female sensibilities that would suggest they have done something wrong. What do we do? We screw up again and again, you know, as a male collective. Fuck, God must have been on drugs to have created such a measly bunch. Fuck man, leave her alone. No Wonder she looks left and right. She seeks freedom from her infernal chaos but he's too busy thinking in Charlie. Yeah, the guy downstairs. Such a fool to think he had a chance with such a great looking girl. Never again, you fool. Rookie. Well, this turned out pretty good. It's just like a goddamn soap.


Huh. Each day begins with such ill fated people on the edge of lunacy, products of years of frustration. Within each story of these people there exists a girl. That girl, the girl that lives and resides deep in the mind and heart, so perfect in her imperfections and to our fate, she ignores us. She fails to recognize our existence.


Learn the rules before you can break them

Show, don't tell

Let art speak without words

Artists are not bound by any set of rules but by the limitation of their mind.


It's been a bizarre day so far but in the darkness of my room I gaze upon the dark sky with its thousands of flashing bulbs switching on and off, pleasuring the mind for an instant. Still, it's the same sky...the same sky anywhere you go; nothing changes except the human heart. The compassion of humanity replaced by greed and power as its ignorance opens wounds on the earth that would never heal and are replaced with grey scabs. It cries in pain and its sadness covers the night sky. It spills its tears upon its skin but the filth still remains as each scab grows with each generation. It cries and cries its deafening voice to no avail. No one listens. No one listens to her pains and sorrows. The blankets of fog blinds our judgment and our hearts grow stiff and hard.

An AUTOBIOGRAPHY based on a true events

j.j. RAMIREZ CALAMATEO, author, artist and creator of the Idiot Motel. On May 28, Leticia Calamateo from Teponahuasco, Jalisco gave birth to J.J. Ramirez Calamateo in the Natividad hospital of Salinas.

I don't know much about this "human being" but what I know is that it's difficult to understand or comprehend his life by mere words alone.

"On that "dreadful day," his mother expressed after being reminded of the tragic event.

His life was strange and never simple before and after his birth. He grew up as an illegal farm worker for eighteen years. People say, "He was born in the fields of Salinas...," but that's were the myth begins. He grew up with a few bumps and bruises, nothing serious or like he would say, "You can't do shit, you bastards." Although, he did have a few close encounters with DEATH. DEATH was fortunately busy with other poor souls. His beliefs haven't changed much since a child, the belief that all living organisms possesses a kind of spirit being and should be respected as you would take the time to wipe your ass.

What else can we say about this empty vessel that robs us of our precious oxygen? He's a guy and wears glasses. He can barely see sometimes which surprises me sometimes. He posses no known talents so don't bother wasting your time on his elegantly disturbing work. It's useless to understand or comprehend any of it but if anyone would ever decide to quote him please quote something like, "It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.(Emiliano Zapata)"

Well, there is not much to tell, it's mostly bullshit besides who would want to hear the extended version of this anyways.

Good thing for short term memory.
Wait what's going on?
I'm being taped.
Oh, shit.
Tell them I had pants....

In Gratitude To:
Instructors for showing no mercy


"The CONTENT provided on this SITE is by far useful and it does not offer any information that is relevant to any field of study. It would also not help change or alter your pathetic and meaningless life.

These publications were conceived in evenings of pure psychosis. The auteur had no method of publishing any of the information found throughout the SITE only his gut feeling. If you find the following information inappropriate or offensive by its nature, he offers the following advice, "Deal with it!. The human mind is not constrained by any set of laws. It must grow not slither away into a hole like a worm."

The publications are entirely the creator's written manifestation of his mind and should not be taken literally. If this publication has caused you, pain or suffering, the auteur accepts no responsibility nor is he liable for the reader's actions--"it's your fault!"

Any objections or complaints please direct them to auteur of this SITE.

Yeah, goodluck on that."